Monday, October 26, 2009

My Little Monster

Well, my little monster did not get a good report from the babysitter last week. On Thursday night when I got home from work Curt had to tell me that Jaxon was a bad boy at the sitters that day. He was pulling Leah (a new little girl that has just started full time last week) and he was biting Jan (the sitter). Well I guess him and his dad had a little talk on the way home from Jan's house and then I had to tell him how disappointed I was to hear that he was not being a good little boy.
I guess our words to him did not mean anything, because when I call on Friday to ask Jan something she told me that he had been spending a lot of time in time out for the day. He was still misbehaving on Friday, so she was trying a new tactic with him.
We tried to continue to do the time out (or something of the same nature for a 1 year old) with him through the weekend when something he did deserved him to have a time out. He only had to have it a few times, but it does not seem to be working. Friday night I spent almost an hour with him because he would not leave the dog dish alone. I would put him on time out for 2 min, and then we would discuss the situation. He would then proceed to get off my knee, look at me, and then go directly to the dog dish and play with the food.
I think we could have a long road a head of us with this little guy. He always knows that he is doing something that his not suppose to because either he will give you a kiss before he does it, or he looks to make sure that you see him and you are going to give him a reaction.
I ya ya...parenting is hard job!!!!

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