Monday, September 18, 2006

Renovations (part deux)

This weekend was dedicated to getting the painting all done in the house.
On Wednesday/Thursday night we finished the living room and the dining room, and got the rooms back together.
On Friday night we started our bedroom. We re-painted all the walls, and the trim, and then on Saturday, I stripped all the paint off of the furniture from the bedroom. What a job!!!! That paint stripper is powerful stuff. I had to go to a wedding on Saturday night with burn marks all up my arm and on my hands because it ate right through the latex gloves that I was wearing, and every time it hit my skin above the gloves, it left a big red burn mark.
Yesterday we painted up the furniture, and added the final touches to the bedroom, and last night when my parents came over for dinner, dad helped Curt put the trim back up around the room, and mom and I finished antiquing the furniture, and then we moved it all upstairs. Thank you to Doug and Grandma for helping do that..
Tonight we have to get all of our cloths back in the drawers, as they are sitting in messy piles on the floor in the spare bedroom.
I will be so glad when all this mess is gone, and my house (and our lives) get back to normal.

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