Thursday, January 11, 2007

Uneventful Time of Year

Well we are into the January blas.
Last week it was more like April, then it was January, with people even seeing buds on their lilac trees, and their daffodils budding through the ground This week we have finally been hit with the weather that is more appropriate for the second week of January.
This time of year it seems that there is nothing ever to celebrate. The VISA bills are coming in from Christmas, people are trying to loose this extra inches that they earned over the holidays, and everyone is trying hard to fulfill their new years resolutions, whatever that may be. This year I decided that I was not going to make a new year's resolution. Since this is going to be a year of change (big change), I thought that would be enough for me to tackle without adding something else that I try to fulfill.
I have been back to the gym full fleged this week, working my ass off to look good in my wedding dress. Curt and I have also tried to start to eat a little more healthy around our house. I am going to do a big grocery shop this weekend, and we are going to stalk up on fruits and veggies. Not very often would you find those in our fridge, but we both need to look good for our wedding day. The only problem that I have is that in my canister on the counter there is about 6 mint smoothies left, and I have to get rid of them so I am free and clear of my temptations.
The wedding plans are back into full force. If you remember back in the fall I was looking for pine cones for a craft...well they were for something for the wedding and I have finally found some trees in town that have the type of cones that I need. On Sunday we went to Curt's parents place for dinner and Lexy and I decided to walk to their place. We packed a plastic bag and headed over. We stopped at the trees and filled our bags. This week I have been working on drying them and it is going very well. What I do is put them on the registers, and then when the heat hits them, they pop open. Curt and I were laying there watching television one night and all we could hear were the cones popping. It is very neat.
We are off to the wedding show this weekend (we being Jill, my mom, and possibly my sister). Curt was to come with me, but when he found out that Saturday was Hockey Day in Canada that soon changed is mind. I didn't mind thought, it will be much more interesting with the people that I am going with, not to mention that I will not have to deal with someone that would have bitched the whole time we were there.
Curt and I went to the show on Saturday night to see The Pursuit of Happiness..........AWESOME MOVIE. I would strongly recommend that all of you go and see it. I cried for probably 3/4 of the movie. Everything that happened just seemed to pull on the strings of my heart, and the water taps turned on. Curt thought that it was a great movie to, but did not find that it brought his tears out.
Anyways, I hope that my January gets a little more interesting, and I am able to post more blogs then I have in the past week and a half.
Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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