Friday, February 29, 2008

First Dr.'s Appointment

Well, yesterday I went for my first prenatal visit with my very pregnant doctor. I have managed to have 2 ultrasounds already, but have not been to see the doctor until yesterday.

Everything is perfect she said. My blood pressure was a little high, so that is something that we will keep a close eye on, but everything with the baby is 100% normal.

Since my doctor is leaving on mat leave, she has handed me over to another doctor, but she said that likely because of my lupus I will have to be referred to a obstetrician in Stratford, and will likely have my delivery there, just in case. That fact upset me a little, as I have always been a home town girl, and always thought that I would have my children in Listowel, but she did inform that that if everything went smoothly, we could be transferred back to Listowel after the baby was born. I guess it is just a waiting game know.

My official due date is September 3. 2008, so lets just hope that it is not going to be a long and hot summer, or I might have to find someone with a nice air conditioned house to stay with for the duration of the summer. I told Curt that if is was going to be a hot one, not to be planning too much for the weekends, and we will be heading up to the cottage to sit by the water!!!!

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