Friday, August 19, 2011

Happy Birthday Jaxon

Last night I had to work late, and Jaxon was waiting for me when I got home because his dad had told him that he could open his birthday gift when I got there.
A couple of weeks ago I had asked Curt what he wanted to get Jaxon for his birthday, and he thought that we could get him some new golf clubs. Jaxon loves to golf, but only has the plastic ones. He was given a really nice golf bag as a baby present from a friend of ours that works at the golf course, so we ordered the clubs through him as well. Well, just what every 3 year old needs, 3 top of the line golf clubs. For the amount of money they were...he better be the next Tiger Woods!!!It was well worth the money when I seen the look on his face. Curt has taken the day off to spend his birthday with him today, and they have planned an outing to the golf course for a quick round to break them in.Wednesday night my mom had us over for our annual Jaxon/Justin birthday party. Jaxon got his Car's theme just as he wanted, and Justin had to suck it up and enjoy it too!!!As every year past, Jaxon was spoiled by his auntie/uncle and gammie/poppy. He got some money for his RESP and a new air hockey game!!!This game will be getting lots of use around our house, I am sure!!!Happy Birthday Buddy....3 already. Where has my baby gone???

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